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Purple Blossom


Treating infertility, back pain, sciatica, migraines, IBS, inflammation, and so much more...

3D Fertility

The 3D Fertility helps women just like you to achieve regular periods, ovulations and pregnancies, through 3D massage and 3D womb treatments, encompassing holistic techniques such as, cupping, acupuncture and abdominal massage.

The best time to come for treatment is straight after your period has finished between cycle day 5-10.

3D Non-Fertility

The 3D Non-Fertility treatment helps women just like you to achieve regular periods, a healthy womb and a well functioning digestive system, through 3D massage and 3D womb treatments, encompassing holistic techniques such as, cupping, acupuncture and abdominal massage.

Please check the Best time for Treatment before booking

The 3D Treatments include:

Holistic Pincups - cup illustration.png

3D massage and 3D Womb

A combination of 3D massage and 3D womb will be used throughout your treatment sessions. The 3D treatments use the techniques of massage, cupping and acupuncture. The aim is to help your body to achieve homeostasis – a state of balance. This is achieved by rebalancing the energy flow. By increasing the five systems of flow and reducing stress within the body, your organs will function optimally and your body will be in a state of wellness.

Who can be treated?

Reproductive Health



Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

Irregular Periods

Cysts / Fibroids


Painful Periods

Prolapsed Pelvic Organs

Chronic Bladder/Yeast Infections

Postpartum Care (vaginal and cesarean)


Digestive Health

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Heart Burn


Spinal / Muscular Health

Back pain

Joint Pain

Shoulder pain

Neck pain

Muscular Tension


Sports Injury



Urinary Dysfunction​

Regardless of where you are at on your health and wellness journey, it is my promise that I will take you from where you are at and help you to take steps towards where you want to be.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions


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